Tuesday, January 24, 2006


How well you treat your maids? I've heard a lot of stories recently. Some are Unbelievable. I know a girl died at age 6 allah yer7mha. She had cancer and it is all started when her maid did some sort of se7er est'3fer allah. Now her family is in a miserable situation. I always deal with them in a nice way but I don't think I would be able to trust them once I have children inshallah. I can't imagine my baby gets hurt from my maid. The problem is that they are babies, they don't know how to speak or explain what happen to them when their parents are not home. These stupid maids act nicely with them in front of us but god knows what they do behind us.

I have received this video by email. Check this link http://www.neethu.com/abbasiya. I nearly cried. I so wanted to hug this child and tell him that her mum is coming soon don't cry. Oh my god how could she hurt this little angel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Be careful girls. I'd prefer taking my baby to a nursery rather than keeping him ALONE with the maid. If he is still few months old, I'd rather ignore everything and sit with him. I feel like crying after I saw this scene. I love babies to the point that you can't imagine and I hate seeing them hurt like this. ='(

I'm starting my internship next week 'YAAY'. I visited the place that I will work in. I hope everything will go smoooothly and I will get good grades. :)

Monday, January 16, 2006

Random Pics

People who use blogger, do you know how can I make the pictures I upload not clickable?

Thursday, January 12, 2006

Kil 3am o into b5aiir

3eedkum embarak everyone o allah y3odeh 3laina inshalla. I know I'm a bit late but I was too busy to update besides I hate the connection it is too slow. I have to ask my dad about it. I think they have changed the speed of our DSL :/. Anyway tell me how was your 3eed? Mine was awkaay. First day I spent it at our house although we don't do that every 3eed but none of my aunts and uncles "dad's side" were here this 3eed. Allah yredhum b salameh o yetqbal 6a3et-hum. I missed my fav cousin she couldn't come I hate her lol. I woke up early prayed el fajer then mum said she can't go for el 3eed prayer. I checked my dad but he left early so I decided to go alone can u imagine that!? lol I drove alone it was a bit boring but once I heard Takbeeret el 3eed I felt happy and relieved :). I sat with my sisters and had lunch togther. They went out with their children but I didn't want to so I stayed and watched TV.

Second day was funnnn. I went to my aunt's house "mum's side" and everyone was there. I stayed until maghreb prayer then I had to leave because my hubby wanted to have dinner with me. We went out but ended up watching a movie at the cinema lol. It was too crowded and the movie was "ew" 6efs shwayeh "40 years old Virgin" it was a bit funny though. Then we went to Jumeira City to have some coffee. Today we are going to have lunch outside in the Barr probably.

I gave you full details of what I did lol. Tell how was yours! :)


Question: Why the time passes so quickly when you are sitting with people you love??!!

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

إنا لله وإنا إليه راجعون

اللهم يا جامع الناس الى يوم لا ريب فيه اجمع ( مكتوم ) بنبينا محمد صلى الله عليه وسلم كما جمعت بين الروح والجسد
اللهم اغفر ( لمكتوم ) حتى لا يبقى من المغفرة شيء
اللهم ارحم (مكتوم ) حتى لا يبقى من الرحمة شيء
اللهم ارض عن ( مكتوم )حتى لا يبقى من الرضا شيء
اللهم اغفر ( لمكتوم ) عدد خلقك واغفر له مداد كلماتك واغفر له زنة عرشك واغفر له رضا نفسك برحمتك يا ارحم الراحمين
اللهم اني اسالك له الدرجات العلى من الجنة آمين . وادخله الجنة آمن . آمين واسالك له خلاصا من النار سالما آمين . وادخله الجنة آمن . ربنا لا تؤاخذنا ان نسينا او اخطأنا ربنا ولا تحمل علينا اصرا كما حملته على الذين من قبلنا سبحان ربك رب العزة عما يصفون وسلاما على المرسلين والحمد لله رب العالمين

Who Knows Tomorrow Could be YOUR Day!

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Another boring day!

I KNOW university sucks but it is better than the holiday! at least I get the chance to meet my friends and learn new things ahaha look who is talking! Did I mention I'm a nerd that can get straight As but I skip university and don't bother myself with studying if I'm not in the mood! I remember when I was in grade 10 I got 95% average at the beginning of the year and at the end I got 88% lol stupid right! Simply because I felt grade 10 was difficult and I don't have to push myself too much!

I remember how everybody was disappointed because I didn't score in 90's when I graduated from school! I didn't study at allll even in the one month holiday I had. When I joined the university, the gurl who got 60% was the same as the girl who got 90%! so tell me where is the difference!! It is only the feeling you get when you first know about your result is different and maybe the gifts you get ;P

I don't know why am I talking about this issue! I'm bored today but I don't want to go out. I bought this book "Banat Al Riyadh" out of curiosity. Everyone was talking about it and since I have one month off I decided to give it a try. It was entertaining I have to say. I finished reading it in three days because once you start reading it you will feel like you want to find out the ending of this novel. I think the writer's message was clear for us "Khaleeji Girls". I believe she wanted to tell us not to get in these so called relationships with guys before marriage. If we want a "healthy" clean one we should wait until it is the right time. This is obvious from the character Lamees, the one who lived happily after she refused to start any relationship and got married to the man she loved but without telling him. Okay I think you will like this book, I found it in مكتبة دبي للتوزيع and costs Dh 40 lol. I will have to think about working in an advertising agency LOL!!

gotta run pray al ma'3reb!

uaeyah how could I forget adding you to my daily blogs!! I love reading your posts. I hope Ahmed is in a good health. I've added you :)

pinkie and kytheria thanks for linking me :)

PS: I hope it was a nice surprise, why I always think in that way!