Sunday, April 16, 2006

Befor it is too late!

I don't want to experience the feeling of guilt again for not saying what I truley feel towards the people I love and admire. Two years ago I have been trying to forget what happened, I knew it was too late to think about it because I couldn't bring him to life again. What hurts most is that he left this world and was a little bit angry at me. Actually, at himself and his family. At that moment I couldn't comfort him and say sorry we tried our best and we love you. Next thing I knew is that he left us the next day! I do really regret that but I don't want it to happen again because we have to learn from our mistakes. My mum was a little sick the past two days and I had all the memories refreshed again. What if I lost this precious person "La sama7a allah"! Have I showed her how much I love her and care for her! Have I been the person she always wanted to see! Have I listened to her when she wanted someone to talk to! I still cannot answer these questions. I believe I should take a further step toward my relationship with her. There must be a way to improve it. I don't mean that my relationship with her is very weak but I don't want to say it again "it's too late!". Everytime I feel like saying "I love you mum" or go and give her the tightest hug ever I feel like there are many barriers that I DO want to break. My sister always tells me: 'Do it once and you will find it very easy the next time!'.

--isn't mum wearing the nicest colours ever xoxoxo--

My project is going well il7imdilla. AND the best thing evveerrr is that I have returned to the college to complete my project 'yeppieee' :D. I don't have any classes I just go there and work on it but I should report to the place I worked in every week >_<'.

My preparations for the big event are on the right track. Let's just hope everything gets done on the right time. Stay tuned until I announce it officially 'giggles' ^-^

Nothing like being comofortable and satisfied with your life, family, study and things you have and own. il7imdilla thousands times 3ala ne3met el Islam :)

Say cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese lol

I don't see much of your comments peeps! Or is it a matter of comment on my blog and I will comment on yours ;P!?

I will leave you with these words from Sami Yusuf newest cassette, I was really touched by it

My head is not bare

And you can’t see my covered hair

So you sit there and you stare

And you judge me with your glare

You’re sure I’m in despair

But are you not aware

Under this scarf that I wear

I have feelings, and I do care

So don’t you see?That I’m truly free

This piece of scarf on me

I wear so proudly

To preserve my dignity...My modesty My integrity

So don’t judge me

Open your eyes and see...“Why can’t you just accept me?” she says “Why can’t I just be me?” she says

Time and time again, You speak of democracy

Yet you rob me of my liberty

All I want is equality

Why can’t you just let me be free?

PS: I will miss you :'(


Anonymous said...

wish ur mom gets will soon..

allah y5aleeha lkom enshallah =) ..

good luck in ur projects,,

i still have much much much to do=(

allah y3een =D

good luck !

Crystal Lady said...

3so0ola she is fine now :) o y5aleelich ur mum too thanks dear, ma3laih nothing left do ur best :)